Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My wife's fear of flying...

For those of you who have been following this blog since it's inception or alternatively know my wife, will know that she has a huge fear of flying. This fear is not due to the lack of flying, as she has done this on numerous occasions, it is just a fear that she has. We have a overseas trip in three weeks time, so my wife took drastic measures....

On Tuesday afternoon she took BIG steps to cure this fear.....

Yip, at the park she headed off to the iron bird and headed up the steps to sort out this fear for once and for all.

Well Done Love!


Lindsay said...

Ha Ha

Anonymous said...

The most flattreing photo you could find hey????

Hayley said...

oh no....Lindsay, I would kill him!

Miller said...

There is nothing wrong with the photo. I love my wife just the way she is! No need to kill or get violent at all.